External Conditioning

The external conditioning would be the minimum since we can install correctly on a floor or office that does not have a direct door to the street. But we recommend installing a good sign or vinyl.

Design Dental Clinics: The Importance Of Furniture In Clinics

Have you ever considered that it leads people to differentiate between regular dental clinics and dental design clinics? To conceive the relevance of design and furniture, we must take into account factors such as the hours that a dentist can spend working in practice or the dozens of people who visit it daily and who seek an environment where they feel comfortable and relaxed.

In this sense, it is necessary that all the elements that make up the facilities are as comfortable as possible, both for the patient and for the professional, who during long days should be in different positions that will end up wearing away their physical condition.

On the other hand, other factors such as the aesthetics and design of the furniture and the different spaces must not be forgotten, since they are aspects in which the patient is fixed when he visits the clinic and will be part of the first impression he has of the patient.

If you are thinking of improving the image of your facilities so that it becomes part of the dental design clinics, follow this series of recommendations.